Explore the future of Sketch
Install the latest Mac app and iOS app betas for a sneak peek of our latest features and improvements.
Get the Mac app beta
This version matches the current stable release.
We’ll have a new beta version very soon.
- macOS (12.0.0) or newer
- Be sure to back up your documents before you try out any pre-release builds
- Documents you use in beta may be incompatible with stable releases
- Our experimental features are also available on the Mac app beta
- Send feedback via the Feedback button in the Mac app’s toolbar (top right corner), or tell us in the forum.
Get the iOS app beta
You’ll access the iOS app beta using Apple’s TestFlight app
- Requires an iPhone or iPad running iOS 16 / iPadOS 16 or later
- You’ll need to sign in with your Sketch account details on an active subscription
- To get the iOS app beta, first install TestFlight on your device and sign in with your Apple ID
- Enjoying a feature? Found a bug? Share feedback via TestFlight, or let us know on our forum.
Release notes for Mac app beta
Sketch 100.1 (180159) was released on
Requires macOS (12.0.0) or newer
What’s new
- Bug fixes Thanks for all your feedback on version 100! We’re already busy working on our next big update, but thought we’d take a moment to fix a few of the bugs you’ve been running into.
What’s fixed
- Fixes a bug that made Sketch slow to respond, or freeze completely, if you had the app open for a long time. You may also have noticed this more if you used the undo action a lot (this fixes that as well).
- Fixes a bug that blocked you from opening bitmap images in Sketch if you downloaded the app from the Mac App Store.
- Fixes a crash that could occur when you opened documents with certain fonts on macOS Sonoma.
- Fixes a ghost notification that would inform you about Component updates when there were none. Spooky.
- Fixes an issue where changes to Figma’s file format prevented our .fig file importer from working properly.
- Fixes a bug that caused the eyedropper tool to stutter or lag briefly on particularly large documents.